XL Sports Performance Program at Momentum Performance and Wellness

Momentum Performance and Wellness is excited to partner with XL Basketball to provide sports performance testing and exercise programing. We are Maine’s leading team of committed medical professional Athletic Trainers and Strength and Conditioning Coaches with over 20 years of experience. We utilize the latest research and science-based programming to train and maximize the performance of our clients while providing injury prevention measures. Providing age-appropriate training programs for all ability levels is a priority.

We will be providing sport specific team combine testing for all XL Basketball athletes. Athletes will be tested on speed, agility, total body power, lower body reactive strength and vertical jump. The results of these tests and the athlete’s movement mechanics will be the determining factors for which corrective exercise program is given. These programs will be accessible through our free app, which will provide video and written instruction for each exercise. Additionally, athletes will have access to Momentum Performance and Wellness’ Athletic Trainers for injury consultation. All of this will be included for a cost of $25 per athlete.

For those interested in more specific forms of training, Momentum Performance will be offering a 10% discount on memberships and services to ALL XL athletes and their family members. Contact us today for more information. Email us at info@momentummaine.com or call (207) 347-3030 to learn more.